The browser training starts with a JavaScript crash course where we discuss several objects related to JavaScript and their implementations on a JavaScript engine. Next, we go over the commonalities of a browser's architecture, and look at the renderer and the sandbox, using Chrome as an example. Our emphasis is on the JavaScript engine in the renderer process. We develop a birds-eye understanding of it and observe how the peculiarities of the JavaScript language influence the design of a JIT compiler.
Important structures and key concepts such as Object shapes, SSA, IR, Inline Caches, and a few other fundamental concepts relevant to JavaScript engine exploitation are explained in detail. The course dives into the environment of v8, ranging from the execution pipeline to recent mitigations. Once the basics of browsers and JIT are laid out, we use a simple case study to illustrate a browser vulnerability. This is followed by an explanation of JavaScript exploitation primitives. Two real-world vulnerabilities are introduced, and the student is expected to solve simple challenges that will help in the understanding of the inner workings of the exploit. The course will emphasize the similarities and differences of the two vulnerabilities, with the first one serving as a foundation for the second. The challenges will be supported by the theory all along the course. Finally, a quick overview on fuzzing JavaScript engines and browser mitigations is covered.
After attending this fast-paced course, a student can expect to have dropped a foundational anchor on browser security research that enables them to further pursue its depths.
Exodus Intelligence
Javier Jimenez is a vulnerability researcher at Exodus Intelligence currently focusing on browser exploitation with a big focus on bug hunting via fuzzing.
Javier has given trainings at conferences such as BSides London and BlackHat USA, and has many other public blog posts on exploit development research. These also include the discovery of vulnerabilities in Apache httpd and Chrome's V8.
This training starts with JavaScript basics, browser architecture, and JavaScript engine internals, with a focus on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It explains key concepts like Object shapes, Intermediate Representations, and Just-in-Time (JIT) compilers, essential for JavaScript exploitation. Theory and practicals are weaved together enabling you to analyze and exploit real-world V8 vulnerabilities including in newer components such as Maglev.
Vulnerability researchers with no prior experience in browsers will find the entire breadth of the course to be instructive. We also delve into advanced topics in fuzzing and exploitation of new V8 components.
Day 1 - Browser Overview
Day 2 - Introduction to JavaScript Exploitation
Day 3 - ArrayShift Built-in case study (2021)
Day 4 - Maglev Allocation Folding case study (2024)